Conditions of Use
This website is the property of Arran Holdings Ltd d/b/a Wood Specialties. This website is meant as a marketing tool for doing business online. It in no way makes any warranties, implied or written about the accuracy of the text and/or price of the items displayed. If you think you have reached a page displaying incorrect price and/or description, we would appreciate if you point that to our attention.
This website will and may be down for maintenance or other reasons beyond our control. We make no warranties or hold ourselves liable for any interruption in service, disruption in or beyond our control including your inability to shop online. When the website is inaccessible, we strongly urge you to call us to place the order.
This website will change from time to time. We make no guarantees with regards to the accuracy or operation of any third party software installed as a part of this service. You hereby relinquish all liability towards the owners of this website and its designers of this site.